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To send us a file:
Send us the file via email. Remember, no spaces and make sure your file name includes a file extension.
(i.e. .jpg, .psd, .sit, .sea, .zip).

Don't forget to write any special instructions regarding what you want done with the file.

Include your job number and contact person to call in case there are questions.

Why submit by email?
Many people find it convenient to send files as email attachments. It is easy to do, and it usually works without any problems. It also helps keep the design process moving without vexing you with lengthy meetings or hexing your wallet with needless messenger fees.

How do I attach a file to an email?
That is slightly different for every piece of software out there. Basically, you create a new email and address it to us (pwitech@pixelwitch.com). In the body of the email, along with your name, your company name and phone number, please include the specifications for the job.

Then go to the pull down menu, and find the "Attach File" command or button in your email window. This will let you search around your local drives to find the file(s) you want to send.

Should I compress the file(s) before I attach it to the email?
Yes! There are two main reasons to compress your file(s) prior to sending the email attachment. Often there are many files that need to be sent, compressing those files into one archive makes them more manageable, and reduces the opportunity for file corruption.

Also, by compressing the file, you will save yourself time in sending it, as well as make the file download more efficiently.

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The industry standard file compression software for the Mac is "Stuffit Deluxe," well worth the asking price. The standard for the Windows platform is "WinZip" available as shareware online.

How do I know you received the file?
We check our email throughout day. Feel free to call us at 847-487-8933 to alert us to any rush jobs you may have in house.

Whenever we receive a file attached to an email, we quickly open it to ensure its integrity, then send an email back to you to let you know the status of your order. If we have any questions, we will call you immediately.

What if I am on AOL, CompuServe or Prodigy?
When sending files from a service like these, you may have a limit on the file size that you can transfer. You may also have problems sending more that one attachment per email.

As these limits vary from time to time, it is important that you find out what they are prior to sending files. Often using compression software will bring the file sizes to within the limitations of these services and ensure one attachment per email.

Can I FTP the files to you?
Yes! To send us files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) you need to have a program that will allow you to send us files. Below are two good programs to use based on what kind of computer you are using. Please contact your Pixel Witch representative in order to have an FTP account created for you on our servers.

Fetch: For the Macintosh, this is the industry standard for sending files. Visit this site to download a copy of Fetch.

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CuteFTP: For the PC, this is one of the industry standards for sending files. Visit this site to get your demo copy of this software.

Once you have the above software installed on your computer, contact your Pixel Witch representative for your unique FTP account on Pixel Witch's FTP server.

Check out our Internet Information Area to find out about each of the pieces you need to get started, as well as ways to save money on creating your site.

Still have questions about sending files? Want more information on file formats and their proper usage? Our representatives are available for consultation during business hours.

Our business hours are
Monday through Friday 9am–5pm
Central Standard time.

Contact Us

Pixel Witch strives to assist you in understanding as much or as little as you want about starting your own web site. We can conjure up everything from the smallest graphic to entire web sites for you in a flash!

Pixel Witch makes it happen like magic; without putting a hex on your wallet!

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